Written by Gillian Quinn
The Latin American, Caribbean and Iberian Studies Program is very excited to announce that Alberto Vargas, the Associate Director of LACIS, is a recipient of The Kaleidoscope Faculty Support Award in recognition for his outstanding and unconditional support to the Graduate Student Conference of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese.
Alberto Vargas holds a Bachelor’s degree in general agriculture from the Monterrey Technological Institute in Mexico and an M.S. from Texas A&M University. His Ph.D. is in both Forestry and Land Resources from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Alberto’s doctoral research examined the interactions of federal, state, and local actors in the sustainable use and conservation of tropical forests by local communities in Quintana Roo, in southern Mexico. He has extensive training and work experience in the institutional, social and technical aspects of community-based natural resource management and the conservation of natural resources. Alberto has conducted research and implemented projects in agriculture, forestry, energy and coastal resource management in Latin America, the Caribbean, and the United States.
Kaleidoscope, created in 2004, is intended to provide a forum for graduate students to present and develop original research in the field of Spanish American, Luso-Brazilian, or Iberian Studies. Kaleidoscope is committed to creating a setting for interdisciplinary dialogue in which graduate students can meet other researchers with similar academic interests and gain valuable professional experience.
Multiple key note speakers came from around the country for this year’s forum: “Uttering the Impossible; Dissecting, Representing, and Narrating Rupture.” LACIS is a proud supporter of Kaleidoscope.
Visit kaleidoscope.spanport.wisc.edu for more information on the conference.