Anika is a people-environment geographer working with agroecology movements, landscape change and migration in Guatemala. After her undergrad at UC Berkeley she worked on farms in Oregon, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Berkeley and was a farm educator for urban public school students. She is interested in participatory-action research, feminist pedagogy, and feminist political ecology.
Studying: Agroecology, migration and political ecology in Central America
Faculty Advisors: Matt Turner and Lisa Naughton
Awards & Honors: National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow 2020-2025. Center for Integrated Agricultural Studies at UW-Madison Summer Fieldwork grantee, 2020. 4W at UW Madison Summer Fieldwork grantee, 2020. Helen Firstbrook Franklin Fellow, 2019-2020, LACIS-UW Madison. Center for Culture, History and the Environment (CHE) Graduate Associate, 2020-2021.