Gioconda Coello

Gioconda Coello is a doctoral candidate from Ecuador in the department of Curriculum and Instruction. Her research is interdisciplinary and looks at the history of ideas in education and their relation to the politics of being, Indigenous, Brown and Black lives, and environmental education and religion in Latin America and Southeast Asia. Her work has appeared in Revista Asia-America Latina. She is co-editor of the coming book Indigenous Future(s) and Learning(s): Taking Place.

Studying: History

Faculty Advisor: Thomas Popkewitz

Awards & Honors: HEX Public Humanities Exchange Fellowship Award 2017-2018  Master of Arts Graduated with Distinction, 2015  Institute for Regional and International Studies Fieldwork Award, 2019  Right Livelihood Summer School Scholarship Award Chulalongkorn University, Right Livelihood College and School for Wellbeing Bangkok-Thailand, 2015  Graduate Studies Scholarship Award, Ecuadorian Secretariat of Higher Education, Sciences, Technology and Innovation (SENESCYT), 2014-2018 Publications Refereed journal articles  Coello G. (2019). Education for a good life: Tracing How Sumak Kawsay and Sufficiency Economy Became Ideals for Living Well. Revista de Ciencias Sociales Asia-América Latina. 4(6), 69-90. Chapters  Coello, G. (2019). Producciones narrativas, tesis culturales y ficciones: una historia del presente de Sumak Kawsay. In M. Medina y N. González (Eds). Convergencias sobre la producción cultural ecuatoriana. Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja: Ecuador. Books  Lopez Lopez, L and Coello, G. (2020). Indigenous Perspectives in Futures and Learnings: Taking Place.