Alexandra Huneeus

  1. Huneeus, Alexandra Valeria and Rueda Saiz, Pablo, Territory as a Victim of Armed Conflict (September 30, 2021). Univ. of Wisconsin Legal Studies Research Paper No. 1720, 15 Int’l J. Transitional Just. 210 (2021), University of Miami Legal Studies Research Paper No. 3933835, Available at SSRN:
  2. Huneeus, A., & Hillebrecht, C. (Forthcoming). The judicialization of peace. Harvard International Law, 59(2). (20,000 words; 60 pages).
  3. Huneeus, A., & Madsen, M. R. (2018). Between universalism and regional law and politics: A comparative history of American, European and African human rights systems. International Journal of Constitutional Law, 16(1), 136-160.