Logan Allen Krishka (Undergraduate Recipient): “Desire, Disdain, Dependency: Constructing Vulnerability in Caio Fernando Abreu”
Carlos Andrés Rojas (Graduate Recipient): “Feminicídios no Brasil: Contexto Social e a Necessidade de Educar para Prevenir”
2018 Competition Results
Ella Norris: “Fire Farms and Water: A Synthesis of Environmental Progress in Brazil”
Marcos Colon: “Seeing Amazonia Slowly: Its Connection with Beyond Forlandia”
2017 Competition Results
The winners of the 2017 Joaquim Nabuco Award are Colten Parr, English major, Undergraduate Award & author of “Ancient Medicine in the Modern Age: The Entheogenic Sacrament in Brazilian Religious Traditions” and Loren Peabody, Doctoral candidate in Sociology, Graduate Award author of “Brazil’s National Development Bank Under the Worker’s Party: Was BNDES Lending Driven by New Developmentalist Ideas?”
The decision was made by a committee formed by Dr. Alberto Vargas (Associate Director, LACIS), chair; Professor Ellen W Sapega (Portuguese), Assistant Professor Sarah Ann Wells (Comparative Literature and Folklore Studies), and Assistant Professor Falina Enriquez (Anthropology).
2016 Competition Results
The winners of the 2016 Joaquim Nabuco Award are Laura Bachmann, Law School, author of “Housing and Formalization in Rio de Janeiro Favelas” and Israel Pechstein, PhD Student in Spanish & Portuguese, author of “Do melodrama ao camp: novas perspectivas da sexualidade n’O beijo no asfalto de Nelson Rodrigues.”
The decision was made by a committee formed by Dr. Alberto Vargas (Associate Director, LACIS), chair; Assistant Professor Matthew Rarey (Art History, Oberlin College); Professor Luca Bacchini (Brazilian Literature and Culture, University of Bologna); and Professor Emeritus Ricardo Sabán (Physiology, University of Oklahoma).
2015 Competition Results
The winners of the 2015 Joaquim Nabuco Award are Meg Healy, an undergraduate student in Geography and Political Science, author of “Olympic Housing Games: Housing Policy and Socio-Spatial Displacement in Pre-Olympic Rio de Janeiro,” and Fernanda Firmino, a graduate student in Food Science, author of “A saga dos queijeiros mineiros na Serra da Canastra.”
The decision was made by a committee formed by Prof. Ellen Sapega (Portuguese), chair; Drs. Steve Smith (Secretary of the Faculty), Alberto Vargas (Associate Director, LACIS) and Ricardo Saban (Veterinary Medicine).
2014 Competition Results
The winners of the 2014 Joaquim Nabuco Award are Robert Hayes, an undergraduate student in Latin American Caribbean and Iberian Studies, author of “A copa para quem?: Raça, classe e a destruição das favelas no Brasil,” and Micah McKay, a graduate student in Spanish, author of “‘Deus salve a América’: Ignacio de Loyolla Brandão’s Zero and the Production of Trash”.
The decision was made by a committee formed by Dr. Steve Smith (Associate Director, Global Studies), chair; Professors Karen Strier (Anthropology), Umberto Tachinardi (Medicine), and Mary Lou Daniel (Emerita, Portuguese).
2013 Competition Results
The winners of the 2013 Joaquim Nabuco Award are Cristina Mo Vaughan, an undergraduate student in Biology, author of “Projeto TAMAR: Sea Turtle Conservation as a Multi-Party Effort,” and Jacob Blanc, a graduate student in Latin American History, author of “The Last Political Prisoner: Juvêncio Mazzarollo and the Twilight of Brazil’s Dictatorship.”
The decision was made by a committee formed by Professors Alberto Vargas (LACIS), chair; Francisco Scarano (History; LACIS), Kathryn Sanchez (Spanish and Portuguese), and Dr. Steve Smith (Associate Director, Global Studies). Brazil Initiative donor Vivi Nabuco and 2013 Nabuco Award winner, Jake Blanc, Rio de Janeiro, 2015.
2012 Competition Results
The winner of the 2012 Joaquim Nabuco Award is Nicholas J. Barnes, a doctoral candidate in Political Science, author of “The Amphetamine of the People: The Mística of the Movimento dos Trabalhadores Sem Terra.”
The decision was made by a committee formed of: Professor Guido Podestá (Chair; Associate Dean of International Studies), Mary Lou Daniel (Professor Emerita, Spanish and Portuguese), Dr. Ricardo Saban (Medicine), and Dr. Steve Smith (Associate Director of Global Studies).
2011 Competition Results
The winners of the 2011 Joaquim Nabuco Award are Giso Broman, an undergraduate student in Geography, author of “The Diversion of the São Francisco River: Lack of Water and Lack of Democracy”, and Ian Robert Carrillo, PhD Candidate in the Development Studies Program and author of “Industrialization and Commodities in Brazil: The Case of BNDES.”
The decision was made by a committee formed by Professors Alberto Vargas (Associate Director of LACIS), chair; Gay Seidman (Department of Sociology); Luis Madureira (Department of Spanish and Portuguese); and Steven K. Smith (Associate Director of Global Studies).
2010 Competition Results
The winner of the 2010 Joaquim Nabuco Award is Matthew Francis Rarey, a doctoral candidate in the Art History department and author of “The Cross and the Pelourinho: Christian Violence, Visual Culture, and the Representation of Slavery in Brazil” (45 pages).
The decision was made by a committee formed by Professors Guido Podestá (Associate Dean of International Studies), chair; Suzanne Dove (School of Business); Mara Loveman (Department of Sociology); and Kathryn Sanchez (Department of Spanish and Portuguese).