Latin American, Caribbean and Iberian Studies Program
Claudia Calderón
DiPrete Brown, L.; Atapattu, S.; Stull, V.J.; Calderón, C.I.; Huambachano, M.; Houénou, M.J.P.; Snider, A.; Monzón, A. From a Three-Legged Stool to a Three-Dimensional World: Integrating Rights, Gender and Indigenous Knowledge into Sustainability Practice and Law. Sustainability 2020, 12, 9521.
Although females represent half of the human population and play important roles in human and animal health around the world, there are gaps in knowledge at the intersection between gender and One Health. This paper provides recommendations to build an integrative framework when exploring transversal issues pertaining to One Health, gender analysis, and women in agriculture and provide some suggestions of additional efforts needed for future policy and program decisions that will support the dual goals of gender equality and sustainable health and wellbeing of human, plants, animals and their shared ecosystems.
Comparative performances of 10 agroecology adopting farming families with 10 semi-conventional ones were made via direct measurements of biophysical characteristics including soil moisture, soil fertility and organic matter levels, alongside socio-economic questionnaire surveys. Agroecology-based production was more diverse, translating into a better locally based market integration and generation of higher levels of agricultural income that allowed them to rely less on purchases for meeting their food-related needs. Agroecology-adopting farming families seemed to be on the move towards a more gender-balanced scenario, to be more active in community-related work and to promote environmentally sound production practices in their territories