Erika Marín-Spiotta

  1. Marin-Spiotta, E., L. Gundersen, R. Barnes, M. Hastings, B. Schneider and J. Stemwedel. Harassment as scientific misconduct. In: J. Faintuch and S. Faintuch (eds). Integrity of Scientific Research: Fraud, Misconduct and Fake News in the Academic, Medical and Social Environment. Springer In press
  2. Marín-Spiotta, E. and E.U. Hobley. 2021. Carbon in deep soils. Chapter 11. In: Y. Yang, M. Keiluweit, N. Senesi and B. Xing. (Eds) Multi-scale Biogeochemical Processes in Soil Ecosystems: Critical Reactions and Resilience to Climate Changes. Volume 5 of Wiley Series Sponsored by IUPAC in Biophysico-Chemical Processes in Environmental Systems. In press
  3. Fischer, E., B. Bloodhart, K.L. Rasmussen, I.B. Pollack, M.G. Hastings, E. Marin-Spiotta, A.R. Desai, J.P. Schwarz, S. Nesbitt and D. Hence. 2021. Leveraging Field-Campaign Networks to Identify Sexual Harassment in Atmospheric Science and Pilot Promising Interventions. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society org/10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0341.1
  4. Ali, H., S. Sheffield, J. Bauer, R. Caballero-Gill, N. Gasparini, J. Libarkin, K. Gonzales, J. Willenbring, E. Amir-Lin, J. Cisneros, D. Desai, M. Erwin, E. Gallant, K. Gomez, B. Keisling, R. Mahon, E. Marin-Spiotta, L. Welcome and B. Schneider. 2021. An actionable anti-racism plan for geoscience organizations. Nature Communications12:3794 org/10.1038/s41467-021-23936-w
  5. Diaz-Vallejo, E., M. Seeley, A.P. Smithand E. Marin-Spiotta. 2021. A meta-analysis of tropical land change effects on the soil microbiome: Emerging patterns and knowledge gaps. Biotropica 53: 738-752.
  6. Bruno, B.C., R. Haacker, M. Hubenthal and E. Marin-Spiotta. 2020. Sexual harassment prevention. In: Sloan, V., & Haacker, R. (Eds.). GEO REU Handbook: A Guide for Running Inclusive and Engaging Geoscience Research Internship Programs (1st ed.). doi:10.5065/ycba-qw42.
  7. Carter, T., L. Jennings, Y. Pressler, A. Gallo, A.A. Berhe, E. Marin-Spiotta, C. Shepard, T. Ghezzehei, and K. Vaughan. 2020. Toward diverse representation and inclusion in soil science in the United States. Soil Science Society of America Journal 85:
  8. González, G., Marín-Spiotta, E., and Matos, M.   Appendix A: Regional Summaries, Caribbean.  In:  R.V. Pouyat, D.S. Page-Dumroese, T. Patel-Weynand, and L. Geiser (Eds). Forest and Rangeland Soils of the United States Under Changing Conditions. Springer Nature Switzerland AG, pp. 217-229. (INVITED)
  9. Marin-Spiotta, E., R.T. Barnes, A.A. Berhe, M.G. Hastings, A. Mattheis, B. Schneider and B.M. Williams. 2020. Hostile climates are barriers to diversifying the geosciences. Advances in Geosciences53: 117-127. org/10.5194/adgeo-53-117-2020
  10. Berhe, A.A., M.G Hastings, B. Schneider and E. Marin-Spiotta. 2020. Changing academic cultures to respond to sexual harassment through bystander intervention and workplace climate training. In: Azad, S. (Ed). Addressing Gender Bias in Science: Research-based Solutions. American Chemical Society Symposium Series, Washington, D.C. Pp. 109-125. (INVITED) org/10.1021/bk-2020-1354.ch007
  11. Lawrence, C.R., J. Beem-Miller, A.M. Hoyt, G. Monroe, C. Sierra, S. Stoner, K. Heckman, J.C. Blankinship, S.E. Crow, G. McNicol, S. Trumbore, P.A. Levine, O. Vinduskova, K. Todd-Brown, C. Rasmussen, C.E. Hicks Pries, C. Schadel, K. McFarlane, S. Doetterl, C. Hatte, Y. He, C. Treat, J.W. Harden, M.S. Torn, C. Estop-Aragones, A.A. Berhe, M. Keiluweit, E. Marín-Spiotta, A.F. Plante, A. Thompson, J.P. Schimel, L.J.S. Vaughan and R. Wagai. 2020. An open source database for the synthesis of soil radiocarbon data: ISRaD version 1.0. Earth System Science Data Discussions12: 61-76. org/10.5194/essd-12-61-2020
  12.  Vaughan, E., M. Matos, S. Rios, C. Santiago and E. Marín-Spiotta. 2019. Clay and climate are poor predictors of regional-scale soil carbon storage in the US Caribbean. Geoderma 354: 113841
  13. Cusack, D. and E. Marín-Spiotta. Wet tropical soils and global change. In: Page-Dumroese, D., D. Morris, C. Giardina and M. Busse (eds). Global Change and Forest Soils: Conservation of a Finite Resource.  Vol 36. First Edition. Elsevier. Forthcoming December 2019
  14. González, G., E. Marín-Spiotta, and M. Matos. Appendix: Soil Assessment for the U.S. Caribbean. National Soils Assessment. In press.
  15. Poorter, L., D.M.A. Rozendaal , F. Bongers, J. S. de Almeida-Cortez, A. M. Almeyda Zambrano, F.S. Álvarez, J.L. Andrade, L.F. Arreola Villa, P. Balvanera, Justin M. Becknell, Tony V. Bentos, Radika Bhaskar, Vanessa Boukili, Pedro H.S. Brancalion, Eben N. Broadbent, Ricardo G. César, Jerome Chave, Robin L. ChazdonGabriel Dalla Colletta, Dylan Craven, Ben H.J. de Jong, Julie S. Denslow, Daisy H. Dent, Saara J. DeWalt, Elisa Díaz García, Juan Manuel Dupuy, Sandra M. Durán, Mário M. Espírito Santo, María C. Fandiño, Geraldo Wilson Fernandes, Bryan Finegan, Vanessa Granda Moser, Jefferson S. Hall, José Luis Hernández-Stefanoni, Catarina C. Jakovac, André B. Junqueira, Deborah Kennard, Edwin Lebrija-Trejos, Susan G. Letcher, Madelon Lohbeck, Omar R. Lopez, E. Marín-Spiotta, Miguel Martínez-Ramos, Sebastião V. Martins, Paulo E.S. Massoca, Jorge A. Meave, Rita Mesquita, Francisco Mora, Vanessa de Souza Moreno, Sandra C. Müller, Rodrigo Muñoz, Robert Muscarella, Silvio Nolasco de Oliveira Neto, Yule R.F. Nunes, Susana Ochoa-Gaona, Horacio Paz, Marielos Peña-Claros, Daniel Piotto, Jorge Ruíz, Lucía Sanaphre-Villanueva, A. Sanchez-Azofeifa, N.B. Schwartz, M.K. Steininger, W.W. Thomas, M. Toledo, M. Uriarte, L.P. Utrera, M. van Breugel, M.T. van der Sande, H. van der Wal, M.D.M. Veloso, H.F.M. Vester, I.C.G. Vieira, P.M. Villa, G.B. Williamson, S. J. Wright, K.J. Zanini, J.K. Zimmerman, and M. Westoby. 2019. Wet and dry tropical forests show opposite successional pathways in wood density but converge over time. Nature Ecology and Evolution 13: 928-934.
  16. Poorter, L., D.M.A. Rozendaal , F. Bongers, J. S. de Almeida-Cortez, A. M. Almeyda Zambrano, F.S. Álvarez, J.L. Andrade, L.F. Arreola Villa, P. Balvanera, Justin M. Becknell, Tony V. Bentos, Radika Bhaskar, Vanessa Boukili, Pedro H.S. Brancalion, Eben N. Broadbent, Ricardo G. César, Jerome Chave, Robin L. ChazdonGabriel Dalla Colletta, Dylan Craven, Ben H.J. de Jong, Julie S. Denslow, Daisy H. Dent, Saara J. DeWalt, Elisa Díaz García, Juan Manuel Dupuy, Sandra M. Durán, Mário M. Espírito Santo, María C. Fandiño, Geraldo Wilson Fernandes, Bryan Finegan, Vanessa Granda Moser, Jefferson S. Hall, José Luis Hernández-Stefanoni, Catarina C. Jakovac, André B. Junqueira, Deborah Kennard, Edwin Lebrija-Trejos, Susan G. Letcher, Madelon Lohbeck, Omar R. Lopez, E. Marín-Spiotta, Miguel Martínez-Ramos, Sebastião V. Martins, Paulo E.S. Massoca, Jorge A. Meave, Rita Mesquita, Francisco Mora, Vanessa de Souza Moreno, Sandra C. Müller, Rodrigo Muñoz, Robert Muscarella, Silvio Nolasco de Oliveira Neto, Yule R.F. Nunes, Susana Ochoa-Gaona, Horacio Paz, Marielos Peña-Claros, Daniel Piotto, Jorge Ruíz, Lucía Sanaphre-Villanueva, A. Sanchez-Azofeifa, N.B. Schwartz, M.K. Steininger, W.W. Thomas, M. Toledo, M. Uriarte, L.P. Utrera, M. van Breugel, M.T. van der Sande, H. van der Wal, M.D.M. Veloso, H.F.M. Vester, I.C.G. Vieira, P.M. Villa, G.B. Williamson, S. J. Wright, K.J. Zanini, J.K. Zimmerman, and M. Westoby. 2019. Biodiversity recovery of Neotropical secondary forests. Science Advances 5: doi: 10.1126.sciadv.aau3114.
  17.  Maga, G., D. Rozendaal, L. Poorter, F. Bongers, J. Sprent, M. Garner, T. M. Aide, J. Andrade, P. Balvanera, J. Becknell, P.H. Brancalion, G.A. Cabral, R. César, R. Chazdon, R. Cole, G. Colletta, B. de Jong, J.S. Denslow, D. Dent, S. DeWalt, J. Dupuy, S.Durán, M. do E. Santo, G. Fernandes, Y. F. Nunes, B. Finegan, V.G Moser, J. Hall, J.L. Hernandez-Stefanoni, A. Junqueira, D. Kennard, E. Lebrija-Trejos, S. Letcher, M. Lohbeck, E. Marin-Spiotta, M. Martinez-Ramos, J. Meave, D. Menge, F. Mora, R. Munoz, R. Muscarella, S. Ochoa-Gaona, E. Orihuela-Belmonte, R. Ostertag, M. Peña Claros, E.A. Perez-Garcia, D. Piotto, P. Reich, C. Reyes-García, J. Rodríguez-Velázquez, I.E. Romero-Perez, L. Sanaphre, A. Sanchez-Azofeifa, N. Schwartz, A.S. de Almeida, J. Almeida-Cortez, W. Silver, V.S. Moreno, B. Sullivan, N. Swenson, M. Uriarte, M. van Breugel, H. van der Wal, M. Veloso, H. Vester, I. Vieira, J. Zimmerman and J.Powers. 2018. Legume abundance along successional and rainfall gradients in Neotropical forests. Nature Ecology and Evolution 2: 1104-1111.
  18. Powers, J.S. and E. Marín-Spiotta. 2017. Ecosystem processes and biogeochemical cycles during secondary tropical forest succession. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 48:497-519. doi/10.1146/annurev-ecolsys-110316-022944