“Revenge Fantasies: Black Rage and Racial Reckoning in Black Caribbean Art”

Danielle Roper

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Elvejhem L150
@ 5:00 pm

This talk attends to the function of revenge fantasies in the visual artwork Oficios de Piel Curtida (Labors of Hardened Skin) by the Afro-Colombian artist Fabio Melecio Palacios. The piece appeared in the digital exhibit Visualizing/Performing Blackface in the Afterlives of Slavery: A Caribbean Archive in 2021. I pay close to attention to the expression of black rage in Palacios’ artwork to examine the politics of racial reckoning. I propose to treat black rage as an affective structure that black people in the Caribbean and its diasporas wield to question and reimagine the terms of racial reconciliation and reparatory justice.