Fall 2024 Lunchtime Lecture Series

Tuesdays, 12:00-1:00 p.m.

We will be offering lectures both live (206 Ingraham Hall) and virtual (via Zoom) this fall. If you miss a lecture, you will be able to view many of them later on our programming archive page HERE.

Please see the details for each event, and if a lecture is scheduled to be given by Zoom, please pre-register for the link.

Jorell Meléndez-Badillo

SEPTEMBER 17: “Puerto Rico: Interrogating the Idea of the Nation and the Politics of Memory”* Presented by Dr. Jorell Melendez Badillo | VIRTUAL ONLY | Co-sponsored by the Chican@ and Latin@ Studies ProgramMORE INFORMATION 

*Please note: This lecture will not be recorded and uploaded to our YouTube channel.

Dr. Sarah Clayton

SEPTEMBER 24: “Communities without a State: An Archaeology of Everyday Life after Teotihuacan’s Decline in Central Mexico”* Presented by Dr. Sarah Clayton | 206 Ingraham Hall and via Zoom | MORE INFORMATION

*Please note: This lecture will not be recorded and uploaded to our YouTube channel.

María Morfin

OCTOBER 1: “Children’s right to participate. Experiences in communities and with migrant populations in Mexico” Presented by Maria Morfin | 206 Ingraham and via Zoom | MORE INFORMATION


Dr. Federico Subervi Vélez

RESCHEDULED FOR SPRING 2025: OCTOBER 8: “Media, Politics, and Emergency Communication in Puerto Rico” Presented by Dr. Federico Subervi-Vélez | 206 Ingraham and via Zoom | MORE INFORMATION

Dr. Frank Salomon

OCTOBER 15: “Facial-bone Masks in Peruvian Mythohistory and their Reappearance in Museums” | 206 Ingraham and via Zoom | Presented by Dr. Frank Salomon | MORE INFORMATION


Dr. Theresa Delgadillo

OCTOBER 22: “Geographies of Relation” Presented by Dr. Theresa Delgadillo | 206 Ingraham and via Zoom | MORE INFORMATION

*Please note: This lecture will not be recorded and uploaded to our YouTube channel.

Dr. Diego Roman

OCTOBER 29: “Educación Intercultural Bilingüe in the Galapagos Islands” Presented by Dr. Diego Roman | 206 Ingraham and via Zoom  | MORE INFORMATION


Mariana Sarkis
Fernanda Hernandez
Fernanda Hernandez

NOVEMBER 5: Tinker-Nave Summer Field Research Panel #1 (Tanairi Diaz-Lopez, Fernanda M. Hernandez Betanzos, Mariana Sarkis Olson) | 206 Ingraham and via Zoom | MORE INFORMATION




Alec Armon
Jacob Sorrells

NOVEMBER 12: Tinker-Nave Summer Field Research Panel #2 (Alec Armon, Christian Fidel Revilla Arizaca, and Jacob Sorrells) | 206 Ingraham and via Zoom | MORE INFORMATION


Lola Loustaunau

NOVEMBER 19: “Nuestro Trabajo Es Vida: Struggles at the Intersection of Productive and Reproductive Labor Among Migrant Latinas in the Pacific Northwest” | Presented by Lola Loustaunau| 206 Ingraham and via Zoom  | MORE INFORMATION


Fabio Feldmann
Fabio Feldmann

DECEMBER 3: “Perspectives on COP30 and the Role of Amazonian Governance in Brazil” | Presented by Tinker Visiting Professor of Anthropology, Fabio Feldmann | 206 Ingraham and via Zoom | MORE INFORMATION


Dr. Alberto Vargas

DECEMBER 10: “Wisconsin in Latin America: A Regional and Personal Account” | Presented by Dr. Alberto Vargas, LACIS’ Associate Director | 206 Ingraham and via Zoom | MORE INFORMATION