- “Pernambuco and Bahia’s Musical “War”: Contemporary Music and Intraregional Identity Formation in Northeastern Brazil.” Luso-Brazilian Review. Forthcoming.
- This article draws on ethnographic research conducted in Recife, Brazil, to show how people in the northeastern state of Pernambuco (re)define regional identity through engaging in a musically mediated rivalry with the neighboring state of Bahia. This rivalry shows that the stigmatization of northeastern people is not exclusive to the hegemonic southeast, but it is also (re)produced within the northeast. It also demonstrates how place-based branding enables individuals and institutions to reproduce and justify social inequality.
2. “New forms of Musical Belonging in Contemporary Brazil.” In The Routledge Companion to Twentieth and Twenty-First Century Latin American Literary and Cultural Forms. Guillermina de Ferrari and Mariano Siskind, eds. Routledge. In press.
- This chapter compares how alternative scene musicians in Recife, Brazil from the past decade use—and talk about—music in ways that embed them within various local, national, and transnational milieus. Music is therefore a key resource through which these musicians simultaneously dislocate and relocate nested scales of belonging, thus revealing, in turn, that Latin America is an increasingly porous imaginary.
3. Enriquez, Falina. “Tempered Hopes: (Re)producing the Middle Class in Recife’s Alternative Music Scene.” In Precarious Democracy: Ethnographies of Hope, Despair and Resistance in Brazil after the Pink Tide Alvaro Jarrín, Lucia Cantor, Benjamin Junge, Sean T. Mitchell, eds. Rutgers: Rutgers University Press, 2021.
- This chapter focuses on professional, middle-class musicians in the capital city of Recife, Pernambuco to consider new trends and historical continuities that (re)shape how Brazilians have been coping with the country’s recent economic crisis.
4. Enriquez, Falina. “Business, Transnationalism, and Patrimony: Comparing Entrepreneurial Musicians in Recife, Pernambuco.” Suomen Antropologi: Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society 43, no. 1 (2018): 6-27.
- This article compares how musicians involved in the government sponsored music scene in Recife, the capital of the Brazilian state of Pernambuco, perform different versions of the ‘entrepreneurial self,’ a form of neoliberal subjectivity.