Summer 2024:
JUNE 21-JULY 14: K-14 Educator Travel Grants | GEEO Group, Inc.
July 22-24: CLACS/LACIS Summer Teacher Institute: “Asian Diasporas in Latin America and the Caribbean” | UW-Milwaukee (in-person)
Nature Net Passports | Nature Net, Aldo Leopold Nature Center
Spring 2024:
JANUARY 25-26: Symposium: “2024 Global Studies Symposium on National Research Center, Community College and Minority-Serving Instition Collaboration to Internationalize Education” | LACIS sponsored Rebecca Edler, College of Menominee Nation to attend and present
FEBRUARY 7: Dr. Sara McKinnon, LACIS Director, presents at Madison East High School’s Human Rights Week | Madison East High School
FEBRUARY 22: Discussion with students @ Madison East High School on Latinx Labor and Reproductive Justice | Lina María Murillo, University of Iowa | Madison East High School
FEBRUARY 27: CALS Global Day
MARCH 13: Meetings & film screenings with NAVE Visiting Scholar, Ch’umilkaj Adelina Curruchiche Nicho @ Centro Hispano, Madison, WI
MARCH 14: Francesco Liucci, LACIS MA student, visits Lodi High School’s Interact Club
MARCH 14: “High School…to College…to Career: Your Future in Latin American, Caribbean, and Iberian Studies” | Presented by Sarah Ripp LACIS’ Assistant Director| Lodi High School Interact Club
March 15-17 | Wisconsin Council for the Social Sciences | Madison Concourse Hotel
APRIL 5: World Cinema Day | Film screening of “Totem” | Barrymore Theater
APRIL 8: Performance by Papa Titos Sompa, Founder & Artistic Director of Mbongi Dance Theatre Project, Cultural Activist, master Kongolese Dancer and Musician
APRIL 9: “Frontline Reporting in Haiti and Afghanistan”| Presented by Pulitzer Center Grantee, Jason Motlagh | Madison East High School
April 14: Global Learning Summit | Virtual event | WI Department of Public Instruction
April 19: Author Visit to Kromrey Middle School, Middleton WI | Author Alexandra Diaz | Guatemalan Service Project
April 22: Author Visit & Writing Workshop: Oconomowoc High School | Author Alexandra Diaz | Guatemalan Service Project
FALL 2023:
November 2-4: Wisconsin Association of Foreign Language Teachers Conference
November 4th, 9-3 |Community College Workshop: “Refugees, Dehumanization, and Rehumanization: A Practical, Pedagogical Workshop for K-14 Educators” | | Edgewater Hotel, Madison, WI | RESOURCES | RECORDINGS
December 2 | International Children’s Literature Celebration: Folk & Fairy Tales | Concourse Hotel, Madison, WI | RESOURCES
SUMMER 2023:
JULY 21 | “The Good Life: Global Perspectives on Wellbeing and Happiness” | Virtual via Zoom
JULY 17-20: Early Career Teaching Institute with School of Education’s Teacher Education Center (TEC)
Nature Net Passports | Nature Net, Aldo Leopold Nature Center
SPRING 2023:
April 1: International Festival 2023! | |Overture Center, Madison, WI
April 12: World Cinema Day 2023: “Rickshaw Girl” | Shannon Hall, 800 Langdon St, UW-Madison
May 30: Author visit to Oconomowoc High School & Writing Workshop | Author Alexandra Diaz | Guatemalan Service Project
SUMMER 2022:
July 11-13, 2022 | 2022 CLACS Summer Teacher Institute: “African-descended communities of Spanish America”
SPRING 2022:
(VIRTUAL) EDUCATOR WORKSHOP: Empowering Educators to Teach on Genocide
January 15-16, 2022 via Zoom
This virtual event will empower Wisconsin’s K-12 educators to teach on genocide and fulfill the mandates of Act 30, the new law passed by the Wisconsin legislature and Governor Evers in April 2021. It will offer participants the chance to hear presentations by top experts and acquire free book sets and other practical materials for teaching on the subject of genocide and five specific cases: the Holocaust, Cambodia, Rwanda, Argentina, and the Uyghurs in China.
World Cinema Day 2022!
April 8, 2022
After a COVID-related hiatus, World Cinema Day is back as part of the annual Wisconsin Film Festival!
World Cinema Day brings middle and high school students and teachers to Madison for a special FREE screening of a high-quality, international film with an introduction before the film and a brief Q&A/discussion after the film led by a regional expert from UW-Madison. This is an annual event held in conjunction with the Wisconsin Film Festival.
The deadline to register is Monday, April 4th, 2022.
Mission Ulja Funk (Germany, 2021, 1h 32m)
with introduction and discussion led by Matthew Greene
10:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Friday, April 08, 2022*
Shannon Hall, 800 Langdon St, Madison, WI 53706
*Film screening starts at 11, but school groups are encouraged to arrive by 10:30. Please note that a mask mandate is still in place for minors and staff working with minors while on the UW-Madison campus.
(VIRTUAL) Global Learning Summit 2022: Glocal Learning Inside-Out
April 9, 2022 via Zoom | REGISTER HERE
WI Department of Public Instruction (DPI) and the Institute for Regional and International Studies (IRIS) at UW-Madison are co-sponsoring this special event. Early registration is available for DPI approved Global Scholars Program teachers, with up to 10 students (February 18th-March 4th).
Registration for remaining teacher and student seats will be available between March 7th and 18th.
*The first 80 teachers from Global Scholars Program sites will receive a complimentary copy of “Becoming a Globally Competent Educator” by Ariel Tichnor Wagner!
SUMMER 2021:
EDUCATOR SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITY! America and World Fascism from the Spanish Civil War to Nuremberg and Beyond
2021 CLACS Summer Teacher Institute: Underreported News Stories from Latin America
A collaboration between the Pulitzer Center for Crisis Reporting, the UW-Milwaukee Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS), UW-Madison Latin American, Caribbean and Iberian Studies (LACIS) and the Florida International University (FIU) Kimberly Green Latin American and Caribbean Center. CLACS, LACIS and FIU are Title VI National Resource Centers, funded by the U.S. Department of Education.
SPRING 2021:
March 10th, 2021 @ 3:00 p.m. (CST): Virtual Guided Tour of Mexico City: “Mexico City Was on a Lake?”
LACIS has arranged to have a virtual guided tour of Mexico City for teachers, families, and others who may be interested in learning more about the history, geography, and rich cultural heritage of Mexico City!
This is a FREE event and open to any of our LACIS and LAASEN partners and friends.