Karen Strier

  1. 2021 Strier, K.B Primate Behavioral Ecology, 6th Edition. Routledge, NY (https://routledgetextbooks.com/textbooks/9780367222888/)
  2. 2021 Strier, K.B., Melo, F.R., Mendes, S.L., Valença-Montenegro, M.N., Rylands, A.B., Mittermeier, R.A., and Jerusalinsky, L. Science, Policy, and Conservation Management for a Critically Endangered Primate in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil. Frontiers in Conservation Science , https://doi.org/10.3389/fcosc.2021.734183
  3. 2021 Cavalcante, T., Strier, K.B., and Bicca-Marques, J.C. Degree of frugivory predicts rates of food-related agonism and within-group proximity in wild gray woolly monkeys (Lagothrix lagotricha cana). International Journal of Primatology 42: 533-547. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10764-021-00217-3
  4. 2021 Nery, M.S., Pereira, R.P., Tabacow, F.P., Melo, F.R., Mendes, S.L., and Strier, K.B. Citizen Science for monitoring primates in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest: Preliminary results from a critical conservation tool. Primate Conservation 35 http://www.primate-sg.org/storage/pdf/PC35_Nery_et_al_Citizen_science_Caratinga_Brazil.pdf
  5. 2021 Tabacow, F.P., Nery, M.S., Melo, F.R., Ferreira, A.I.G., Lessa, G., and Strier, K.B. Demographic effects of the translocation of a female northern muriqui (Brachyteles hypoxanthus). Primate Conservation 35 http://static1.1.sqspcdn.com/static/f/1200343/28401273/1612468856043/PC35_Tabacow_et_al_muriqui_translocation.pdf?token=ZkKeJNaB1SM8Rb6vsEPubUV1ekc%3D
  6. Strier, K. B. (2019). Everything for the Muriquis: Reflections from a long-term field study of a critically endangered primate. Invited essay for “As Mulheres da Mastozoologia” in the Boletim da Sociedade Brasileiro da Mastozoologia, 85,117-127.
    • This is an essay that was invited for a special issue on “women in Brazilian mammalogy: published in the journal of the Brazilian Mammalogy Society. I write about my ongoing field study of a Brazilian primate, the muriqui, tracing both the research and its context in Brazilian science and conservation since 1982.
  7. Strier, K. B., Tabacow, F. P., Possamai, C. B., Ferreira, A. I. G., Nery, M., de Melo, F. R., & Mendes, S.L. (2019). Status of the northern muriqui in the time of yellow fever. Primates, 60, 21-28.
    • This is a scientific study that presents results on the impact of a recent outbreak of yellow fever on two populations of the critically endangered northern muriqui monkey in Brazil.