Lesley Bartlett

Project: I recently started a new project with colleagues in Brazil (at USP). It’s a comparative study of early grade literacy policy and pedagogical practice in the U.S. and Brazil. 

  1. Windle, J., de Jesus, D., and Bartlett, L. (eds) (2020) The Dynamics of Language and Inequality in Education: Social and Symbolic Boundaries in the Global South. Multilingual Matters.
  2. Bartlett, L. (2020). Anthropology and Education. Special issue of Revista de Educação & Realidade 45, 2. Available at http://educreal.ufrgs.br
  3. Dowd, A.J., Bartlett, L., Khamis-Dakwar, R. and Froud, K. (2020). Measure Fluency, Vocabulary, and Comprehension in International Reading Efforts. Comparative Education Review 64(2), 309-315.
  4. Dowd, A.J. & Bartlett, L. (2019). The need for speed: Interrogating the dominance of oral reading fluency in international reading efforts. Comparative Education Review, 63(2), 189-212.
  5. Bartlett, L., Oliveira, G., & Ungemah, L. (2018). Cruel optimism: Migration and schooling for Dominican newcomer immigrant youth. Anthropology and Education Quarterly, 49(4), 444-461.
  6. Bartlett, L. & Vavrus, F. (2017). Rethinking case study research: A comparative approach. New York: Routledge.