Nave Special Symposia, Conferences Grants

Nave Special Symposia, Conferences

These are major, one-time events related to research in or about Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain or Portugal, whose initiators may apply to the Nave Committee, as well as other relevant university bequest committees, for financial support. The typical conference/workshop grant ranges from $1000 to $3000. The committee strongly encourages applicants to seek additional funding from other sources in order to strengthen their request.


The Committee asks that nine (9) print copies of proposals be submitted to the Director of LACIS in 209 Ingraham Hall. The Nave Committee meets twice a year, once in the Fall (usually in October) and once in the Spring (usually in March). Please have your complete proposals at least one week before the meeting. You will be notified shortly after the meeting by e-mail or by phone of the outcome of your proposal.

Letters of support, usually not more than three, are encouraged to show interest on campus. In your proposals, detail a brief rationale for the request; likely audiences and estimate of turnout; additional sources of support applied for or obtained; the extent of community and student involvement; a detailed itemized budget that will indicate the overall cost of the event; summarized bios or one page CV’s of the invited guests; and letters of co-sponsorship or support.

Reporting – We also request of all successful applicants that they acknowledge the Nave fund at their events and that, within a month of the close of the event, the primary sponsor should file with the LACIS office, a summary of the activities held, the size of the audience in attendance, and a brief statement as to how the requested budget was distributed. Funds not used by the end of the fiscal year (June 30) will be returned to the committee unless an extension is requested by contacting Alberto Vargas at General questions about the Nave Fund and its role on campus may be addressed to Kata Beilin, LACIS Faculty Director at or to Alberto Vargas, Associate Director at