Isabel Suárez Escobar

Position title: Class of 2017 Alumna

After graduating from UW-Madison, I have been working on many things. I started teaching at Diego Portales University, then as an assistant at Hueders publishing house, and finally in education and culture. I will soon start another graduate program in philosophy.

The experience of going through LACIS was fundamental. Being a multidisciplinary program, in which each student arms the study of it according to her interests, it allows you to expand your academic field. In addition, being a small program, the group that composes it and the students are always in contact. Finally, in the university, LACIS is highly regarded, so students in the program are always well received.

Some advice is to take the opportunity to establish relationships that allow you to work and be a contribution to the community–either in the United States or the country where you want to settle.