August 24, 2015
Dear fellow LACIS members and friends,
As I write, there’s a chill in the air that augurs the beginning of the fall semester at UW-Madison. I hope it finds you rested and ready to carry out the intellectual work that we all so enjoy, and in the end makes us better and more informed citizens in our Madison backyard and beyond.
Despite the uncertainties of this past year, LACIS, like our University, remains as strong as ever, thanks to the dozens of dynamic professors, students, and staff who comprise it. Further, we are blessed to continue the tradition of Tinker Visiting Professors, whose teaching and research enrich us all. This fall we have two: Cristian Bonacic, professor of veterinary science and wildlife ecology at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, who will be hosted by the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies; and Gustavo Gordillo, professor in the Department of Rural Development at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, who will be hosted by the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics. We hope you introduce yourselves to our guests, who no doubt will want to learn more about the work that LACIS affiliates do here in Madison.
One last thing: please remember that every Tuesday we have a luncheon presentation (noon-1 p.m.) in 206 Ingraham. They offer a wonderful opportunity to learn what faculty, students, and others are doing to better understand “our” areas of the world. Visit our website to view the schedule of our upcoming events each week.
I hope you have a terrific semester.
All best,
Francisco A. Scarano