by Alberto Vargas, LACIS Associate Director
LACIS Associate Director, Alberto Vargas, participated in the launching of the Mexico Chapter of the Wisconsin Alumni Association, on November 16, 2019 in Mexico City. The event gathered a group of enthusiastic and distinguished alumni who expressed their satisfaction of their time at UW and their pride of being a badger. Also representing UW-Madison was Lora Klenke, of the Wisconsin International Alumni Relations office, and Sara Bembenek-Saborio of the Division of Continuing Studies. The highlight of the event was the key-note presentation about the Mexican economy by Dr. Carlos M. Urzúa (PhD, Economics), former Secretary of Finance and Public Credit of Mexico. Also the group confirmed the leadership of Alejandro Gómez Tamez (MA, Development and Public Policy) as president of the Chapter. Other alumni included Jesús Alvarado, Enrique De Alba, José Franco, Eduardo Santana, Heidi J. Smith, Julieta Perez Amador, and Ernesto Monroy.