IRIS' Fall Welcome Open House (9/26)
The IRIS Fall 2019 Welcome event will be on Thursday, September 26, 5:00-8:30 pm, in the Wisconsin Historical Society theater and foyer. This event is free and open to the public as well as the entire UW-Madison community.
Dr. Moghadam, Professor of Sociology and International Affairs, will speak about the varieties of feminism in the Middle East and North Africa.
LACIS Fall Ice Cream Social (9/19)
LACIS invites everyone to our fall ice cream social which will take place at the University Club on Thursday, September 19th from 3-5 p.m. Rain or Shine!
LACIS Fall Lunchtime Lecture Series
LACIS has scheduled a semester-worth of fascinating lectures as part of our annual fall, weekly lecture series. These lectures are FREE and open the public. They take place on Tuesdays from 12:30-1:30 p.m. in 209 Ingraham.
- February
- February 13UW Cinematheque - Madison Premieres!Sujo | Mexico, France, USA | 2024 | DCP | 126 min. | Spanish with English subtitles Director: Astrid Rondero, Fernanda Valadez7:00 PM, 4070 Vilas Hall
- February 15UW Cinematheque - Two From AngolaOur Lady of the Chinese Shop | Angola | 2022 | DCP | 99 min. | Portuguese with English subtitles Director: Ery Claver7:00 PM, 4070 Vilas Hall
- February 22UW Cinematheque - Two From AngolaAir Conditioner | Angola | 2020 | DCP | 73 min. | Portuguese with English subtitles Director: Fradique7:00 PM, 4070 Vilas Hall
To train Latin American, Caribbean and Iberian specialists for academic, government, and private sector work, and support the intellectual development and intercultural knowledge of students and faculty interested in the region. As such LACIS serves as a local, regional, and national resource center that provides outreach, support, and multidisciplinary visions of Latin American, Caribbean and Iberian worlds to other university units, K-12, government, community and business constituencies. We are a Title VI National Resource Center, funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s International and Foreign Language Education Program (IFLE), in operation since 1973 in consortium with the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS).